Search results for: “kyrgystan”
Three weeks in Kyrgystan, wild mountains, bad roads and good company.
The wind is still blowing when I get out of my tent in the middle of the night, a warm summer wind which seems strange when I think that the hill where I’ve found tonight’s camping spot is at over 3000 meters. I turn off the light and while I wait for my eyes to…
Bine ati venit in insoritul Kyrgystan
Nu ploua prea des prin Kyrgystan dar totusi se intampla, o zi petrecuta printre picaturi de ploaie si sub un cer plumburiu.
Curcubeul de la capatul Kyrgystanului
Primii kilometri de dupa Karakol si o prima ploaie dupa ceva vreme ce a venit la pachet cu un curcubeu pe masura.
Prima zi in Kyrgystan.
Kyrgystan, cu doua pasuri de 3600 si cu lunga coborare ce pare rupta din Alpi. In plus prima ploaie dupa multa vreme, insotita de tunete si de miros de asfalt incins.
The first visa – Kyrgystan
The first visa for the journey and a short plan for getting all the other visas.
Prima viza – Kyrgystan
Prima si singura viza obtinuta de dinainte de plecare, primul pas in lupta cu birocratia Asiei Centrale.
Intre viata episodica si constanta
Idea articolul de mai jos mi-a venit dupa un articol in format lung care incearca sa puna o intrebare destul de pertenta: in ce masura vedem viata noastra ca un continuu in care ramanem mai mult neschimbati sau in ce masura privim viata noastra ca o serie de episoade prea vag conectate intre ele (apropo,…
Silk Road Mountain Race ~ last day
The journal for the last day of the race has been long overdue, as are some closing thoughts about the experience of taking part in the race. Perhaps it’s better this way, to put some emotional distance between the event and the moment you write the closing thoughts. In my case it’s been one year…
SRMR day 7, the Chinese border road and the old caravan route
It must have been past midnight when I finally managed to fall asleep, so when the phone rings at 4:30 in the morning I feel far from rested, but at the same time I know I need to get moving. It’s almost 12 hours since I arrived at the checkpoint and as I pack up…
SRMR day 6, headwind, Kel Suu and the struggle to sleep
From all the elements the wind is the cyclists biggest enemy. If I can tolerate the cold, the heat, the snow, the rain and even the mud wind gets me mentally every time.. And it’s not that I don’t have the power, I’m but no means scrawny, it’s just the simple fact that you have…