Author: Diaconescu Radu
Via Classica from Fleischbank, Wilder Kaiser, day 6
This was the day when Mihaela was completely conviced that we’re going to spend a day and a night on the route, the we’re going to spend ages getting down from the mountain and other doomsday scenarios. At the same time in the previous days I saw that if we set our minds to it…
Trading Wilder Kaiser for the Marmarole
After almost a week in Wilder Kaiser, we feel the need to change the mountain and to diversify our activities. Even though we wanted to see Dachstein, in the end the call of the Dolomites is stronger, and so after a morning swim at the foot of Wilder Kaiser we drive the 250 kilometers which…
Searching for the trail in the Marmarole
A small adventure in the wild Marmole Dolomites, a mountain chain which has quite a number of high bivouacs amongst them Musatti and Voltolina
Running around the Tre Cime di Lavaredo
A run around the impressive Tre Cime di Lavaredo, on a hot summer day whens shade becomes a precious commodity. And along the way, we find one of the nicest bathing spots.
Hanseatic cities, and a night under the stars
A 200 kilometer bike tour through Mecklenburg Vorpommern, along the wild and uninhabited coast like of the Baltic Sea. Along the we rode through two of the jewels of the the Hanseatic League, Luebeck and Wismar, we slept a night under the stars on a deserted beach, and we battled a small hurricane.
3 days, 3 routes, and almost 300 kilometers through Thuringia
It’s really interesting that there are a lot of smaller mountain chains in Germany which are named after forests. Among them is also the “Thuringian forest”, and after traveling 80 kilometers on the main ridge of the mountain we kind of understood where the name comes from. The mountain chain is almost completely covered by…
3 zile, 3 piste, si aproape 300 de kilometri prin Turingia
Din nou de la Mihaela citire jurnalul unei ture cicloturistice prin zone inca neexplorate de noi: Sambata, pe cand conduceam noi linistiti pe “autostrada lor nationala” (Bundesautobahn) A9 spre sudul Germaniei (un fel de DN1 la noi), auzim la radio cum moderatorul unui matinal, in loc sa fie plin de energie, cade in butoiul cu…
Orasele hansei, si din nou o noapte sub stele.
Din nou Mihaela a scris un jurnal mai mult decat bine documentat si detaliat, astfel incat dupa weekend-ul trecut cand am scris independent 2 jurnale ce au iesit extrem de asemanatoare, am zis sa nu mai dulblam si de data aceasta efortul. Totusi un pic de exercitiu la scris nu strica niciodata, astfel incat am…
Luther, Ferropolis, Bauhaus, Gradini englezesti si un Vulcan Artificial
Titlul rezuma destul de bine in cateva cuvinte tura extrem de variata pe care am facut-o in ultimul weekend. Kilometri multi nu au fost, doar 120, am avut parte si de un vant turbat din fata, nici ore foarte multe de pedalat nu au fost datorita unor mici probleme tehnice ce au fost rezolvate pe…
Dolomiti – ziua 9, in pas alergator in jurul Cimelor
E a noua zi pe munte, a noua zi cu vreme buna. Si toate au fost zile atat de pline incat ai zice ca ar trebui sa ajungem la o suprasaturatie. Au trecut si cateva zile bune de cand am dormit in camping, si ultimele nopti le-am petrecut fie in refugii la inaltime, fie campand…