After-afterschool , partea a doua
In septembrie lungimea zilei scade in fiecare zi cu 3 minute. Cu alte cuvinte la fiecare 10 zile pierzi jumatate de ora de lumina, la fiecare 20 de zile aproape o ora. Iar cum pentru noi timp petrecut in natura la soare e important ferestrele in care putem sa o facem devin din ce in…
Astazi e prima zi de after-school pentru Marius, dupa o luna si jumatate de vacanta si doua saptamani de scoala, perioada in care timpul pe care pot sa-l aloc altor lucruri (cum ar fi invatatul sau mentanta generala a lucrurilor prin casa) pare ca s-a evaporat aproape complet. Au fost 2 luni foarte faine si…
Ultimul concurs de XCO al anului
Weekendul acesta sunt nationalele de XCO/XCE pentru copii cuplate cu ultima etapa din cupa de XCO pentru adulti si pe hartie pare o ocazia buna pentru un pic de fun in weekend in doi. De fapt daca stau bine sa ma gandesc ii datorez lui Marius ca am participat la 4 din 5 etape de…
O zi de Miercuri care a iesit chiar bine
Dupa toate standardele azi a fost o zi buna. Zi ce a inceput cu o tura matinala la ora 7:30 (si intors la 9:30 acasa), 2 ore in zona 2 pe bicla de XC cu 2 coborari pe topogan pe care m-am simtit bine (si asta s-a vazut si la timpi, chiar daca traseul e…
Readucerea la viata a blogului
Au trecut mai bine de doi ani din momentul in care blogul a fost pus intr-un raft si a inceput sa stranga in mod accelerat praf. Doi ani cu multe schimbari, in care experientele noi s-au strans si s-au transformat in amintiri, doar pentru a incepe sa fie uitate usor, in ciuda continuarii efortului de…
Silk Road Mountain Race ~ last day
The journal for the last day of the race has been long overdue, as are some closing thoughts about the experience of taking part in the race. Perhaps it’s better this way, to put some emotional distance between the event and the moment you write the closing thoughts. In my case it’s been one year…
SRMR Day 9, the goat path, Kegeti and the Chinese gold mine
This night I slept quite well. Stopping at 7 pm I probably managed to got fall asleep at 8 and the alarm sound at 3:30 am means that I got a solid 7 hours of sleep, good enough for one more day in the saddle but not enough to erase the lack of sleep from…
SRMR day 8, the descent to Baetov and the climb to Song Kul
The alarm rings again at 4:30 and I manage to pack everything and be back on the bike in less than half an hour. Generally I really like the early morning start and I like being on the bike when it’s still dark and today this seems to work out. Even the legs feel OK…
SRMR day 7, the Chinese border road and the old caravan route
It must have been past midnight when I finally managed to fall asleep, so when the phone rings at 4:30 in the morning I feel far from rested, but at the same time I know I need to get moving. It’s almost 12 hours since I arrived at the checkpoint and as I pack up…
SRMR day 6, headwind, Kel Suu and the struggle to sleep
From all the elements the wind is the cyclists biggest enemy. If I can tolerate the cold, the heat, the snow, the rain and even the mud wind gets me mentally every time.. And it’s not that I don’t have the power, I’m but no means scrawny, it’s just the simple fact that you have…